DAISY Wins Best Foreign Featurette at the Idyllwild Film Festival
YES! YES! YES! WE did it!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!
What an honour for DAISY to win the BEST FOREIGN FEATURETTE AWARD at the IDYLLWILD INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF CINEMA 2016. It is our first award and what a great one to win thanks to our entire fabulous Daisy team!!!
It took us six years to make this!!! We never stopped believing that this story had to be told. We are so gratefully that we kept to our vision and didn’t give up. With every rejection we knew that in the end this story would be told, that it would win awards and that it would make a positive change in the world we live in today!
The Butterfly Children need a voice, they need to be heard, there needs to be more research in helping them find a cure for these children who are truly exceptional.
We hoped that this film will help give them a voice. We hoped that this film would get people talking. Would inspire people to start thinking seriously about a cure!!! yes this is a rare condition but it is still one that we should be making an effort to cure.
This award is positive sign that what we created make a difference!!! This is why we make films. This is why we have to keep making films like this!!!
Every single person that was part of the cast and crew did an exceptional job and we wouldn’t have won this award if it wasn’t for the entire team!!! We are so proud to accept this award on behalf of the entire team!!!
It saddens us that Nancy Paton was unable to attend the festival this year due family reason however our festival manager was there and she raved on about how wonderful the festival was and insists that we all attend next year with our next film if we are lucky enough to get in again ; ) We are ooking forward to coming in 2017!
We hope that this award will help us sell the film now to a distortion company so that more people get to see it!!!
We hope that this award will help us get the funding we need to make the feature film which is what Nancy Paton originally wrote but sadly could not get the funding for.
It wonderful that Nancy was able to secure the funding for the short film version to show that this story was one the public wanted to see, now hopefully this award and the many to come will help us secure the funding for the feature film, as the script is truly beautiful and life changing!
Together we can make a difference. Together we can be the change. We can change the stories that Hollywood is telling. There can and should be more variety in the films that are being made and shown in our household. We are the audience and we have a say in what we want to watch and see.
Hopefully this award and the many more that will follow will show investors that this is a story that people what to hear and watch. This is a story that people need in their lives.
Thank you to the Butterfly Children for letting us into their lives and allowing us to shin a bit of a spotlight on them!!! Thank you to everyone who believed in our vision. Thank you for all your support. We are so grateful for having you part of the Desert Rose Films Family!!!
Once again thank you to the Idylllwild Film Festival for honouring us with this fabulous award and thank you to the entire Daisy Team for all your hard work on this beautiful film. We did it!!! Let’s make more films like this together!!!